




编辑: 教学促进与教师发展中心 张波 时间:2015-07-03

主 讲 人:赵素平 滑铁卢大学国际处国际关系主管、中国事务特别顾问
讲座主题:滑铁卢大学合作实习教育项目——提高毕业生就业能力的良好模式(Co-operative Education Programs at the University of Waterloo – an Excellent Model to Enhance Graduate Employability)
时    间:2015年7月7日(周二)9:30-10:30
地    点:欧亿体育中国有限公司官网中关村校区中心教学楼407
主办单位:教学促进与教师发展中心  外国语学院加拿大研究中心

The University of Waterloo in Canada is one of the primary destinations for higher education. One of the many key factors to attract both international and domestic students is the Co-operative Education model that formally integrates academic studies with relevant work experience. Waterloo operates the largest Co-operative Education Program in the world where Co-op students alternate terms of school with paid work in relevant fields. The academic learning is applied on the job while work experience is applied in the classroom.  In 2014 over 18,000 out of 33,000 students in over 120 programs of study work in over 60 countries in a typical year. And the Co-op number is growing annually. Co-op students graduate with up to two years of work experience and are better prepared to move into the workplace.

Suping Zhao serves as International Relations Manager and Special Advisor for China at the University of Waterloo, overseeing university-wide international relationship and partnership building with worldwide partner institutions, incoming diplomatic and high level international visits and outgoing missions. She also oversees, develops and implements China programs including academic, research activities and training programs at the university level. She served as Program Manager for “Ecoplan China Project” funded by CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency) at the Faculty of Environment in the University of Waterloo. She also worked at Education House Queensland in Australia helping build up language curriculum. Suping worked in the international offices as well as in English departments as Associate Professor in linguistics in several universities in China prior to her positions in Canada and Australia.

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