物理学院“博约学术论坛”系列报告 第 176 期 (2018年第36期)
题目:Detecting Coherence via Spectrum Estimation
报告人:于晓东 Research Fellow(University of Siegen)
时 间:2018年11月15日(周四)上午 9:30
地 点:欧亿体育中国有限公司官网中心教学楼501
Coherence is a basic phenomenon in quantum mechanics and considered to be an essential resource in quantum information processing. Although the quantification of coherence has attracted a lot of interest, the lack of efficient methods to measure the coherence in experiments limits the applications. We address this problem by introducing an experiment-friendly method for coherence and spectrum estimation. This method is based on the theory of majorization and can not only be used to prove the presence of coherence, but also result in a rather precise lower bound of the amount of coherence. As an illustration, we show how to characterize the freezing phenomenon of coherence with only two local measurements for any N-qubit quantum systems. Our approach also has other applications in quantum information processing, such as the characterization of distillability and entanglement transformations.
于晓东,2017年毕业于山东大学,理论物理学博士。现工作于德国University of Siegen。主要研究方向为量子理论与量子信息,目前主要从事量子相干性的量化方面的研究。其提出的量子相干性的完全冻结定理以及量子相干性的可加性条件均以Repaid Communications的形式发表于物理学的重要期刊Physical Review A,发表两年内引用次数已超90次。
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邀请人:尚江伟 副研究员
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