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来源:   发布日期:2019-10-17


Revealing How to Create Synergy in Fire Retardant Systems

报 告 人:Serge Bourbigot

时   间:2019年10月21日(周一)9:00-12:00

地   点:中关村校区7号楼报告厅





  法国里尔大学的国家工程化学里尔研究生院(ENSCL)阻燃学科的教授,现为该研究生院研究开发负责人。他1993年获得博士学位后进入ENSCL,1999年成为国家织物设计及工程研究生院(ENSAIT)的化学工程学科的教授,2000年成为该研究生院的研究开发负责人、织物材料及工程实验室的主任,2002年前往美国国家标准技术研究院(NIST)火安全部的材料研究组作访问学者一年,2003年回国在国家工程化学里尔研究生院成为阻燃学科的教授。他的研究主要集中在热塑、热固、织物和涂层等聚合物材料的燃烧反应及阻燃,具体包括聚合物和织物的阻燃工程,膨胀材料、金属氢氧化物和纳米复合物等新型阻燃聚合物材料配方的开发(从加工到表征),材料降解动力学,膨胀型材料在燃烧中的裂解、传热和传质(建模和数字模拟),聚合物阻燃材料、纳米复合物材料的固体核磁研究等等。已发表论文250余篇,编著6本。是Polymer for Advanced Material 等国际期刊编委。获得欧洲地平线项目杰出人才基金项目。




How is synergy defined? The word is derived from the Greek word synergos, meaning to work together or, literally, to cooperate. Synergy is often associated with the cliché: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts (which dates back to Aristotle, in The Metaphysics). In the field of fire retardancy, synergists are often required in order either to sharply improve the performance of materials or to decrease the loading of FR additives while maintaining the performance. Numerous additives can provide synergistic effects in flame retardant but it is not the aim of this talk to give an exhaustive list of the existing synergists but to discuss how to create synergistic systems and to explain how it works. 

Examples involving high performance fibers, EVA (intumescence and ceramic formation) and orgalloy® will be given based on the recent work of our laboratory.