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教师发展中心学术讲座:密西根大学教授Patricia M. King学术讲座

来源:   发布日期:2014-03-26

应欧亿体育中国有限公司官网教学促进与教师发展中心和教育研究院的邀请,密西根大学学者Patricia M. King教授访问欧亿体育中国有限公司官网并做学术报告。
 时 间:2014年4月4日(星期五)
 地 点:欧亿体育中国有限公司官网中关村校区中心教学楼407
 语 言:中英双语
时间:4月4日 上午9:00-11:00
Lecture1: “Studying the Link between Liberal Education and Student Development: The Wabash National Study of Liberal Arts Education”
The Wabash National Study of Liberal Arts Education (WNS) is a recent major national study of the practices and conditions that lead to the achievement of liberal arts outcomes and the type of developmental maturity called “self-authorship”. 
This presentation will explain in more detail the research grounding of the findings reported in my earlier presentations that day. It will be geared toward researchers who are interested in honing their qualitative research skills and learning from our efforts in conducting this type of study in the context of liberal arts education. Accordingly, I will focus on the strategies used to organize and analyze this large qualitative data set so that other researchers can learn from our efforts linking liberal arts outcomes and student learning and development.
时间:4月4日 下午2:00-5:00
   Patricia King教授将介绍一些人的发展规律的主流观点,并展示教师如何运用这些规律和观点去理解学生学习,以及帮助学生进行有效学习。
Lecture2: “Using Principles of Human Development to Improve Teaching”
In this speech, Prof. Patricia King plans to introduce major concepts of human development in late adolescence and adulthood, and to then show how faculty can use these principles and concepts to understand student learning and to help students gain fuller, more complex understanding of course topics and their studies.
工作坊是讲座二的延伸,在听完理论性的讲座后,Patricia King教授将与大家更为细致地讨论和分享她的教学设计过程。听众能够实时参与,当场设计自己的课堂并与大家一起分享讨论。
Workshop: “Designing Learning Environments that Promote Learning and Development”
Prof. King would first offer a more detailed process for adapting human development principles to their own teaching settings, then give audience opportunities to apply these to their own academic disciplines, administrative areas (for example, if student affairs staff are included) and to the students they teach. During this time, participants with common interests (e.g., by discipline or type of course taught) could work in teams to practice using these strategies.
Patricia M. King教授简介:
  Dr. Patricia M. King毕业于麦卡莱斯特大学,在明尼苏达大学获得教育心理学博士学位,是密西根大学高等和大专教育研究中心的高等教育学教授。她的教学和研究方向主要为大学生的学习和发展。她著有Assessing Meaning Making and Self-Authorship,Developing Reflective Judgment,Learning Partnerships: Theory and Models of Practice to Educate for Self-Authorship三本著作。她曾服务于美国大学学会,参与教育变革的协同研究。
Dr. Patricia M. King is a Professor of Higher Education in the Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education at the University of Michigan. Her teaching and research focus on the learning and development of late adolescents and adults, especially college students. She is interested in approaches to development that explore the intersections among developmental domains, such as intellectual, identity and social development, and how these affect a range of collegiate outcomes, such as intercultural maturity, citizenship, and character or moral development. Her current work focuses on the development of self-authorship, especially as it relates to collegiate learning outcomes. She has co-authored two books, Developing Reflective Judgment (with Karen Strohm Kitchener) and Learning Partnerships: Theory and Models of Practice to Educate for Self-Authorship (with Marcia Baxter Magolda) and a monograph, Assessing Meaning Making and Self-Authorship. She has served on several advisory boards for the American Association of Colleges and Universities, including the Research and Educational Change Collaborative, part of the Educating for Personal and Social Responsibility Project. She is a graduate of Macalester College (St. Paul, Minnesota) and completed her doctoral studies in Educational Psychology at the University of Minnesota.
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    密西根大学教授Patricia M. King报名表(请务必发送至cfd@bit.edu.cn





