报告人: Wen-Yaw Chung(鐘文耀)
(Professor of Chung-Yuan Christian University)
报告一:Overview of CMOS Analog IC Design – Device Concerns, Applications and Challenges
时 间:2012年4月16日,星期一,下午3:00 - 4:30
地 点:欧亿体育中国有限公司官网4号教学楼244室
This talk will focus on issues related to CMOS analog IC design, including device requirements for mixed-signal IC, their applications, circuit simulation and challenges. The contents will be presented based on the view point of IC designer. Further, the characteristics of good analog IC designers expected by an engineering manager will be concluded.
时 间:2012年4月16日,星期一,晚上7:00 - 8:30
地 点:欧亿体育中国有限公司官网4号教学楼233会议室
报告二:CMOS IC Design for Electronic Tongue Applications
时 间:2012年4月17日,星期二,晚上7:00 - 8:30
地 点:欧亿体育中国有限公司官网4号教学楼244室
This talk will present CMOS analog IC designs for electronic tongue applications, the major contents will cover potentiometric and amperometric type sensor interfacing circuit design and system implementations, the contribution of these circuits will be suitable for water quality monitoring and point-of-care applications.
Dr. Wen-Yaw Chung(鐘文耀) received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Mississippi State University in 1989. He is currently a Professor of Department of Electronic Engineering, Chung-Yuan Christian University, Taiwan, and the Director of Mixed-Mode VLSI Research Lab. Senior Member IEEE. His Research Interests is as follows, Mixed-mode VLSI circuit/system design, Micropower biomedical IC design, Biosensor interfacing and actuator driver unit design, SPICE-based circuit simulation and modeling, etc.