题 目:Value-based program characterization and its application to software plagiarism detection
时 间:6月1日下午2:00
地 点:研究生楼101教室
Identifying similar or identical code fragments becomes much more challenging in code theft cases where plagiarizers can use various automated code transformation techniques to hide stolen code from being detected. Previous works in this field are largely limited in that (1) most of them cannot handle advanced obfuscation techniques; (2) the methods based on source code analysis are less practical since the source code of suspicious programs is typically not available until strong evidences are collected; and (3) those depending on the features of specific operating systems or programming languages have limited applicability.
Based on an observation that some critical runtime values are hard to be replaced or eliminated by semantics-preserving transformation techniques, we introduce a novel approach to dynamic characterization of executable programs. Leveraging such invariant values, our technique is resilient to various control and data obfuscation techniques. We show how the values can be extracted and refined to expose the critical values and how we can apply this runtime property to help solve problems in software plagiarism detection. We have implemented a prototype with a dynamic taint analyzer atop a generic processor emulator. Our experimental results show that the value-based method successfully discriminates 34 plagiarisms obfuscated by SandMark, plagiarisms heavily obfuscated by KlassMaster, programs obfuscated by Thicket, and executables obfuscated by Loco/Diablo.
刘鹏教授1999年在美国乔治梅森大学获得博士学位,1999年~2002年在马里兰州立大学任教,2002年转到宾夕法尼亚州立大学信息科学技术学院,现是宾夕法尼亚州立大学的终身教授、网络安全实验室主任。主要研究方向是计算机网络与系统安全,具体研究领域包括:可存活系统构建、攻击代码的分析检测技术、软件安全等。目前累计承担的科研经费超过1400万美元,指导学生发表高水平论文180余篇,其中包括计算机安全顶级期刊ACM Transactions on Information and Systems Security、IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing和国际顶级会议CCS、USENIX Security、NDSS等。
刘鹏教授是ACM Workshop on Survivable and Self-Regenerative Systems的创始程序主席之一、国际顶级会议ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) 2004/2003的学报主席、超过80种国际会议的程序委员会成员(其中包括ACM CCS、INFOCOM、ESORICS和WWW),同时也是多种国际著名期刊的编委。