美国乔治华盛顿大学Thomas A. Mazzuchi教授应邀到北理工作学术讲座

供稿、摄影:管理与经济学院  编辑:王倩倩

  应我校管理与经济学院书记李金林教授的邀请,美国乔治华盛顿大学工程与应用科学学院Thomas A. Mazzuchi教授于4月14日上午来我院进行学术访问,并在主楼为大家带来了题为What’s Wrong with Risk Matrices的学术报告。管理与经济学院部分师生参加了报告会,报告结束后,师生踊跃提问, Mazzuchi教授对所提问题均一一耐心解答。李书记代表全院师生感谢Mazzuchi教授丰富精彩的报告。


  乔治•华盛顿大学(The George Washington University,GWU)是美国顶尖的私立大学之一,位于美国首都华盛顿,毗邻白宫、国会、大部分联邦机构、世界银行、布鲁金斯学会等政府组织、研究机构和专业协会,经过近200年的风雨洗礼,乔治•华盛顿大学已发展成为一所规模庞大声誉卓著的国际性研究机构。工程与应用科学学院创建于1884年10月1日,自建立以来,一直强调“要引领科技的发展”的原则。学院下辖土木和环境工程系,计算机科学系,电子和计算机工程系,工程管理和系统工程系,机械和航空航天工程系。所有系都提供涵盖学士、硕士和博士的学术学位及职业学位和专业认证。


  Dr. Thomas Mazzuchi received a B.A. (1978) in Mathematics from Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, PA, a M.S. (1979) and a D.Sc. (1982), both in Operations Research from the George Washington University, Washington DC.  Currently, he is a Professor of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering in the School of Engineering and Applied Science at the George Washington University, Washington, D.C.  He is also the Chair of the Department of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering at the George Washington University where he has served as the Chair of the Operations Research Department and as Interim Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science. 

  Dr. Mazzuchi’s current research interests include risk analysis, reliability growth assessment, software reliability modeling, design and inference in life testing, reliability estimation as a function of operating environment, maintenance inspection policies, and incorporation of expert judgment into reliability and risk analysis.
