英国皇家工程院院士Bernard L Weiss到北理工信息与电子学院进行学术交流

供稿、摄影:信息与电子学院 哈楠   编辑:潘浩

        5月17日下午,应“欧亿体育中国有限公司官网信息与电子学院2010年博士生论坛”邀请,英国Sussex大学皇家工程院院士Bernard L Weiss(theHead of School of Engineering and Design)和英国著名生物医学工程届华人专家Dr Wei Wang为信息与电子学院带来一场精彩讲座。信息与电子学院院长龙腾,相关教师及部分博士生参加了本次讲座。

        讲座开始前,信息与电子学院院长龙腾对两位嘉宾的到来表示热烈的欢迎,并对于前来参加讲座的各位教师和同学表示感谢。随后Professor Bernard L Weiss对Engineering & Design, University of Sussex, UK做了简要的介绍,并对Semiconductor QuantumWell Structures and Devices课题目前的研究和发展展开介绍并深入的探讨。随后Dr Wei Wang 给在场的各位师生带来了讲座后面的部分-----“ Parametric Electrical Impedance Imaging: s step forward toward virtual biopsy for deadly breastcancer detection”。期间Dr Wei Wang通过大量的数据和案例来讲述了目前生物工程技术和一些传统疾病治疗和预防之间的关系,并针对该学科未来的前景做了展望。在讲座过程中在场的学院领导和师生始终保持着和嘉宾的及时沟通和探讨,并在最后针对未来与信息与电子学院学科课题组合作进行了展望和探讨。

  Brief Introduction of Professor Bernard L Weiss & Dr Wei Wang:

  Professor Bernard L Weiss (DSc, FRAEng), the Head of School of Engineering and Design, University of Sussex, UK,has a distinguished research career, specialising in optoelectronic and microwave devices. He has published morethan 125 journal papers and fifty conference papers, and has been awarded research funding from major fundingbodies such as EPSRC, EU, NATO, DERA, and the US Army. He has been awarded a DSc and a DEng in recognition of hisresearch achievements in addition to being elected Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering and several otherawards. Dr Wei Wang, BSc (Hon/Physics), DPhil (Biomedical Eng.) Director of Biomedical Engineering School of Engineeringand Design Room 2C8, Richmond House University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QT UK.
