发布日期:2012-07-31 阅读次数:

2012年7月4日,澳大利亚国立大学专门致函胡海岩校长,祝贺我校2008级澳大利亚国立大学国际双学位学生——胡野青和郭婧两位女同学获得澳大利亚国立大学奖章(ANU University Medal)。
Top grads ... top women
“Congratulations to all our graduating students,” said Professor John Hosking, Dean of the ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science (CECS).
“I am particularly pleased to note that two students from the Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) and ANU joint program in Engineering will be awarded University Medals for their outstanding results.”
Both Ms Guo Jing and Ms Hu Yeqing will receive their Bachelor of Engineering with First Class Honours.
“These are the first BIT students to be awarded University Medals which are the epitome of undergraduate student achievements at ANU,” said Professor Hosking.
CECS entered into a partnership agreement with Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) in late 2007. The agreement facilitates students completing the first two years of their degree at BIT and the final two years at ANU. Students receive a degree from both universities. The agreement limits the numbers to 20 high-achieving students each year.
“To further cement the BIT/ANU relationship, we entered an academic exchange agreement so that ANU hosts visits from BIT academic staff for one or two semesters with the aim of fostering research links between our two universities,” said Professor Hosking.
BIT is a highly regarded university in China and is a part of the prestigious ‘Project 985’ universities. There are only 39 Project 985 universities in China and they receive additional government funding to support their development into world-class universities.
“Guo Jing and Hu Yeqing join the ranks of a handful of female University Medallists in Engineering,” said Professor Hosking. “This is a remarkable achievement in itself given that we have fewer female students in engineering than is desirable,” he said.
“Well done!”