北理工机电学院邀请中科院“百人计划”引进人才Dr. Zhihong Xie做学术报告
发布日期:2013-02-25 阅读次数:
供稿:机电学院 邓甲昊 摄影:才德 编辑:陈军

2013年1月29日上午,在北京理工国际会议交流中心三层第二会议室,应机电学院探测与控制工程系张振海博士的邀请,中国科学院“百人计划”引进人才,中科院烟台海岸带研究所研究员,美国田纳西大学、康涅狄格大学研究员Dr. Zhihong Xie来校做了题为“Chemotaxis signal transduction in flagellated bacteria”(生物信息传导机制与互作机理研究)的学术报告。报告着重围绕着生物信息传导主题,探讨了鞭毛细菌巴西固氮螺菌中鉴定可溶的甲基受体蛋白AerC,阐释了该信号转导蛋白介导的化学趋化与细胞能量动态变化相偶联的机理。

机电学院王亚斌副院长、邓甲昊教授,自动化学院王美玲教授,生命学院闫天翼副教授,车辆学院熊光明副教授,光电学院宋勇副教授等出席了报告会。日本冈山大学吴景龙教授、生命学院李春教授在报告会之前和之后,与Dr. Zhihong Xie进行了深入地交流。报告会由张振海博士主持。


Dr. Zhihong Xie简介:
Dr Zhihong Xie, Professor, Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences. She was working with Dr Anna Dongari as Research Associate, in the University of Connecticut Health Center. Her research was involved in physical and metabolic interactions within oral microbial communities and characterizing their roles in the etiology of different oral pathologies. From 2005 to 2009, she was with Dr Gladys Alexandre, as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the University of Tennessee, USA. She conducted research on the function of a novel class of PAS-domain containing chemoreceptor in Azospirillum brasilense using comparative genomics, molecular studies, and behavioral assays. She holds one Chinese patent and has more than 20 publications. She is an Editor for the International Journal of Microbiology and Genetics. Her laboratory’s research focuses on the molecular mechanisms of bacterial chemotaxis signal transduction in flagellated bacteria, and has a long-term-goal of deciphering the molecular mechanisms of underlying the chemosensory behavior of flagellated bacteria and the role they play in the establishment of beneficial plant-microbe associations.