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来源:   发布日期:2017-01-11

Funded by 111 project ‘New energy vehicle and application’

program of Bilateral Workshop for Electrified vehicles, energy and transporation system

欧亿体育中国有限公司官网、德国柏林工业大学共同举办  Co-organized by BIT and TUB
关注于电动车辆和电网集成的园区机遇  Focusing on Research Campus Mobility2Grid (M2G) Opportunity
时间:2017年1月12日-13日  January 12-13, 2017, Beijing


欢迎辞/Warm Welcome from Co-Organizer

Dear colleagues and friends,

We are pleased to propose and organize the workshop for electrified vehicles, energy and transportation system at Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China on January 12-13 2017. This workshop is the further step to develop the opportunity for substantial cooperation between BIT and TUB, based on the more than 30 years strategical partnership of two universities.
This workshop is also being organized as an opportunity to share the latest progress and the state-of-the-art for electric vehicles and its interaction with social energy and transportation system, focusing on the Initiative of Mobility2Grid Research Campus proposed by BIT and TUB.

We hope this workshop makes the opportunity for the participants to know more about future E-mobility system and BIT- TUB cooperative activities for scientific research and academic exchanges.

Yours sincerely,

Prof. Sun Fengchun
Director, National Engineering Lab for Electric Vehicles
School of Mechanical Engineering
Beijing Institute of Technology

Prof. Dietmar Goehlich
Director, Methods for Product Development and Mechatronics, School of Mechanical Engineering and Transport Systems, TU  Berlin