【百家大讲堂】第127期:High-speed Precision Motion Control via Basis Functions: Nanopositioning Applications
讲座题目:High-speed Precision Motion Control via Basis Functions: Nanopositioning Applications
报 告 人:Qingze Zou 邹清泽 教授
时 间:2018年11月7日(周三)9:00
地 点:中关村校区研究生教学楼5楼创新基地(电梯出口北侧)
报名方式:登录欧亿体育中国有限公司官网微信企业号---第二课堂---课程报名中选择“百家大讲堂第127期:High-speed Precision Motion Control via Basis Functions: Nanopositioning Applications”
邹教授于2009年获得美国国家科学基金会颁发的职业奖,2010年获得美国自动控制委员会颁发的O Hugo Schuck最佳论文奖。邹教授曾任Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control编辑,现任IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Control Engineering Practices, Mechatronics期刊的技术编辑. 邹教授是美国机械工程师协会的会士。
Qingze Zou is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. Priorly he had taught in the Mechanical Engineering Department of Iowa State University. He obtained his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the University of Washington, Seattle, WA in 2003. His research interests include learning-based precision motion control, high-speed scanning probemicroscopy, rapid broadband nanomechanical mapping of soft and live samples, high-speed nanofabrication, advanced control of smart and soft actuators, and industrial robotic manipulattion. He received the NSF CAREER award in 2009, and the O Hugo Schuck Best Paper Award from the American Automatic Control Council in 2010. He is a past Associate Editor of ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, and currently a Technical Editor of IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Control Engineering Practices, and Mechatronics. He is a Fellow of ASME.
Abstract High-speed precision motion control is essential in a wide variety of applications, ranging from nanoscale photolithography, through scanning probe microscopy (SPM), to additive manufacturing. Continuously increasing demands for both high speed and precision in these applications, however, bring challenges that haven’t been satisfactorily resolved yet: Both high-speed precision tracking and good robustness against system variation and uncertainties need to be achieved—in the presence of adverse nonlinear and dynamics effects such as nonminumum-phase zeros; The desired trajectory to be tracked is arbitrary, at high-speed, and unknown a priori; And non-periodic switching between trajectory tracking and output transition might be involved in the operations. In this talk, we will present a learning-based approach to tackle these challenges, based on the combination and extension of the framework of iterative learning control (ILC) and the superposition principle. Experimental results in high-speed nanopositioning, and high-speed SPM imaging and probe-based nanofabrication will be discussed as illustrative examples.