佐治亚理工大学经济学院首席教授Dr. Patrick McCarthy到管理与经济学院作学术报告


供稿、摄影:应用经济系    编辑:彭明雪

    4月16日下午2点在中心教学楼1003室,应管理与经济学院院长魏一鸣教授的邀请,佐治亚理工大学经济学院的首席教授Dr. Patrick McCarthy为我院教师和研究生进行了专题为《Regional Demands for Pulp and Paper Products》的学术报告,此次报告由管理与经济学院应用经济系承办。


    学术报告开始之前,管理与经济学院副院长何海燕教授对Patrick McCarthy教授的研究方向和研究重点做了简要的介绍,并代表学院向Patrick McCarthy教授赠送了礼物。

图1何海燕副院长向Patrick McCarthy教授赠送礼物 

    Patrick McCarthy教授就造纸业的地区需求和市场份额、北美造纸业的产业结构、分析模型的建立、数据的采集和分析以及敏感度分析等问题展开了详细深入的剖析,对北美造纸业市场进行了全景式的描述,为跨地区的进行纸张贸易提供了详细的信息。

图2为Patrick McCarthy教授在做学术报告

    Patrick McCarthy教授的报告结束后,与到会的师生们就相关问题进行了互动式的探讨,特别着重探讨了受到发展中国家和发达国家普遍关注的造纸业的发展与环境的问题。双方共同提倡环境问题不是一个国家或一个地区的问题,而是一个全球化的问题,需要全体发展中国家和发达国家共同努力才能够解决的观点。

图3为Patrick McCarthy教授与听众就环境问题展开讨论

Patrick McCarthy教授的简介:

    Dr. McCarthy comes to the School of Economics from Purdue University, where he was professor of Economics and Civil Engineering. His general areas of research include applied econometrics, transportation economics, and government regulation with specific interests in transportation safety, discrete choice econometrics, public transit, and civil infrastructure. Professor McCarthy is widely published in economics and transportation journals.

    Dr. McCarthy has held a number of academic appointments, including visiting professor at the Athens Laboratory of Business Administration in Greece, visiting senior teaching fellow at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, and visiting associate professor economics at the University of Southern California.
    He has published numerous articles in a variety of academic journals, including Review of Economics and Statistics, Economic Inquiry, Economics Letters, Journal of Urban Economics, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, Transport Reviews, Transportation Research, and Environment and Planning.