美国肯特州立大学Thomas J. Froehlich教授访问管理与经济学院

撰稿、摄影:汪雪锋     编辑:王倩倩

    4月10日下午,美国肯特州立大学Thomas J. Froehlich教授应邀访问我校管理与经济学院,在知识管理、数据挖掘等领域开展学术交流与合作。北京东方灵盾技术有限公司总裁刘延淮研究员、北京知立方科技有限公司总经理、留美博士赵栋先生一同到访。
    Thomas J. Froehlich教授为我校师生做了题为“Knowledge Management: Intellectual Technologies + Information Technologies”的精彩学术报告。Thomas J. Froehlich教授向我校师生介绍了知识管理在美国的不同方法和研究重点,重点讲述了概述肯特州立大学的在线知识管理计划。Thomas J. Froehlich教授的研究工作新颖而前沿,演讲生动风趣,在我校师生中引起了强烈反响。

    接着,知识管理与数据分析实验室张嶷博士向Thomas J. Froehlich教授介绍了相关研究工作进展,引起Thomas J. Froehlich教授的浓厚兴趣。
    报告结束后,Thomas J. Froehlich教授一行参观了知识管理与数据分析实验室,并演示了自主开发的数据挖掘软件。朱东华副院长同Thomas J. Froehlich教授、刘延淮研究员、赵栋博士就共同感兴趣的研 究方向进行了交流,并就未来的科研合作计划进行了探讨。


    Thomas J. Froehlich is a Professor at Kent State University and serves as chief architect and Program Director of the interdisciplinary Master of Science in Information Architecture and Knowledge Management program that started in the fall, 2001. His education includes a Ph.D. in Philosophy (Duquesne University), an M.S. in Information Science (University of Pittsburgh), M.A. in Philosophy (Pennsylvania State University), and B.A. in English Literature (St. Vincent College). He teaches in the areas of information architecture, knowledge management, and ethical concerns of information professionals, information science, online information systems, network and software resources, and user interface design. In addition to national venues, he has taught workshops, seminars or classes, or made presentations in 23 countries from South America and Europe to the Far East. His research and the majority of his publications focus on ethical issues in the information professions. He has recently been asked to serve as Chair of the SLA Ethics Advisory Council. Other research interests include curriculum development in knowledge management, information architecture, and usability engineering and the philosophical foundations of information science, with special focus on social epistemology and relevance criteria in information retrieval systems.