英国BP集团副总裁Christof Rühl先生访问管理学院并作学术报告

供稿:房斌  摄影:王凯  编辑:王倩倩

  应我校管理与经济学院院长、能源与环境政策研究中心主任魏一鸣教授的邀请,英国BP集团首席经济学家、副总裁Christof Rühl先生一行四人,于4月14日下午访问了我校管理与经济学院、能源与环境政策研究中心,并在主楼中心实验室做了题为“Global Oil and Gas Markets: The Long and the Short Run”的学术报告。BP中国公司首席经济学家张弛博士等三人陪同了访问。管理与经济学院部分师生以及“中心”研究人员参加了报告会。报告会由廖华博士主持。

  魏一鸣教授首先对Christof Rühl先生一行的到访表示热烈欢迎,并向他们介绍了管理学院和“中心”基本概况。Christof Rühl先生在听完介绍后表示对“中心”所取得的成绩印象深刻,并深信未来“中心”能取得更辉煌的成绩。随后,Christof Rühl先生介绍了BP公司,并与“中心”师生举行了座谈会。座谈结束后,Christof Rühl先生为“中心”师生作了有关全球油气市场的学术报告。

  Christof Rühl先生通过对全球油气市场的回顾和展望,让参会者进一步了解了世界油气市场的变化特征和未来走向,也拓宽了“中心”研究人员的视野。报告过程中, Christof Rühl先生对所提问题给予耐心解答。魏院长代表全院师生感谢Christof Rühl先生的内容丰富的精彩报告。 


Christof Rühl先生简介: 

  Christof Rühl is Group Chief Economist and Vice President of BP plc. He manages BP’s global Economics Team, providing economic input into the firm’s commercial decisions. BP’s Economics Team also produces the annual Statistical Review of World Energy. Christof has a distinguished track record in both academia and economic policy making. Prior to joining BP, he was at the World Bank (1998-2005) where he served as the Bank’s Chief Economist in Russia and in Brazil. Before that, Christof worked in the Office of the Chief Economist at the EBRD in London. Previously, he was an academic economist, first in Germany and from 1991 as Professor of Economics at the University of California in Los Angeles. In addition, Christof held Visiting Professorships at academic institutions worldwide, amongst them the University of Chicago. His areas of specialization are macroeconomics and energy economics; he has published widely in these fields. His latest article Global Energy after the Crisis: Prospects and Priorities was published in the current issue of Foreign Affairs (Mar.-Apr., 2010).
