北理工机电学院邀请英国cranfield大学 Peter Yuen教授进行学术交流
发布日期:2011-05-10 阅读次数:
供稿、摄影:机电系统工程系、机电学院研究生会 编辑:陈军
5月9日,机电学院机电系统工程系邀请英国cranfield大学国防学院 Peter Yuen教授在研究生教学楼为我校师生作了题为“高光谱技术及其应用”的学术报告。报告会由机电系统工程系副主任王正杰老师主持,来自我校机电学院、光电学院、生命学院的师生以及北京科技大学教师参加了报告会。
Peter Yuen Personal Information
Email: p.yuen@cranfield.ac.uk
BSC Physics First Class Honours, University of London: 1982
PhD Semiconductor & Surface Physics Imperial College, University of London: 1987
Awards & Fellowships
2005: British Aerospace (BAE) bronze award for technological achievement.
2002: C. Maths & FIMA Elected Fellowship of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications.
2002: FInstP Elected Fellowship of the Institute of Physics, London.
1999-2003: Corporate Research Fellow of the Defence Evaluation Research Agency (DERA).
1991: C.Phy, Chartered Physicist, The Institute of Physics, London.
1980 & 1981: Winner of the Leo Pincherle Physics prize, University of London.
Research interests
Hyperspectral remote sensing: Algorithm developments & Electro-Optical implementations.
Machine vision: Cortex like neuromorphic machine vision, spectral & textural image processing.
Defence & security: Counter-countermeasures, anti-terrorism, remote sensing of intent.
Semiconductor device physics & astronomy: luminescence, molecular & atomic spectroscopy.