法国泰勒斯集团Francois Le Chevalier教授应邀来北理工进行访问交流
发布日期:2011-11-07 阅读次数:
供稿、摄影:信息与电子学院 富景馨 编辑:刘娜
应信息与电子学院邀请,法国泰勒斯集团航空业务科学主管、副总裁Francois Le Chevalier教授于2011年11月4日上午在欧亿体育中国有限公司官网4号教学楼233会议室开展了“21世纪学科前沿”学术交流活动,作了题为“Adaptive space-time diversity and wideband waveforms for active antenna radar systems”的学术报告。报告会由信息与电子学院曾涛教授主持,出席报告的有信息与电子学院院长龙腾教授及数十位教师和研究生。
François Le Chevalier is in charge of the Chair “Radar Systems Engineering” at Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands), and VP, Scientific Director of Thales Air Operations, in Rungis, France.
Mr. Le Chevalier began his career at the Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales (Onera), where he initiated research on radar target and background signatures processing. In 1986, Mr. Le Chevalier joined Thomson-CSF (now Thales), where he pioneered the French developments in adaptive digital beamforming and STAP radar systems demonstrations, and shared apertures and multisensor concepts design and validation. In 1998, he joined the Airborne Systems group, as Scientific Director, in charge of advanced research and developments coordination (airborne radars, electronic warfare, airborne mission systems). His current research focuses on space-time diversity and coding and wideband signal processing for RF sensors.
He chaired the Scientific Committee of the International Radar Conference, Brest, 1999, and he has since been active in the Technical Program Committees of the major radar international conferences in Europe, America, and Asia.
An author of many papers, tutorials, and patents in radar and electronic warfare, Prof. Le Chevalier, an Emerite member of the Société des Electriciens et des Electroniciens (SEE) and a Senior Member of IEEE, is the author of a book on “Radar and Sonar Signal Processing Principles” published by Artech House in 2002, and editor of the book “Non-Standard Antennas”, published by Wiley in 2011.