新加坡南洋理工大学Weisi LIN副教授应邀来北理工进行访问交流
发布日期:2012-06-14 阅读次数:
供稿、摄影:富景馨 编辑:刘娜
应信息与电子学院邀请,新加坡南洋理工大学Weisi LIN副教授于2012年6月13日下午在欧亿体育中国有限公司官网4号教学楼233室开展了“21世纪学科前沿”学术交流活动,作了题为“Perceptual Visual Quality Metrics: Fundamentals, Issues and Recent Developments”的学术报告。报告会由信息与电子学院院长龙腾教授主持,信息与电子学院30多位教师和学生参加了此次报告会。
报告中,LIN教授首先介绍了主要讨论了图像质量评价的重要性,并深入分析了当前图像质量评价体系(例如MSE、SNR、PSNR、QoS等)与人类真实的视觉感受存在着很大的差异。以全新的角度从图像结构、颜色对比、掩膜影响、视觉饱和影响和视觉关注五个方面深入探讨了人类的视觉特点与图像质量评价的关系,为图像处理时对图像进行不同类型或不同情况下进行差异化处理,使得计算资源得到更合理的分配。最后,Lin Weisi副教授与信息与电子学院的老师和同学们就报告内容进行了热烈的交流和讨论。
Biography: Dr. Weisi Lin graduated from Zhongshan University, China with B.Sc and M.Sc, and from King’s College, London University, UK with Ph.D. He served as the Lab Head and Acting Department Manager in Institute for Infocomm Research (Singapore). He is now an Associate Professor in School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.He is a senior member of IEEE, a Chartered Engineer, a fellow of the IET and an Honorary Fellow of Singapore Institute of Engineering Technologists. His areas of expertise include perception-inspired signal modeling, perceptual multimedia quality evaluation, video compression, and image processing and analysis; in these areas he has published 190+ refereed journal and conference papers, and been the Principal Investigator of more than 10 major projects (with both academic and industrial funding ofoverS$4m). He currently serves as the Associate Editor for IEEE Trans on Multimedia, IEEE Signal Processing Letters and Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. He is the Lead Guest Editor for the recent special issue on New Subjective and Objective Methodologies for Audio and Visual Signal Processing in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing.