英国伦敦大学学院Hugh Griffiths教授应邀到信息与北理工电子学院进行学术交流
发布日期:2013-04-23 阅读次数:
供稿、摄影:信息与电子学院 编辑:新闻中心 段炼
英国伦敦大学学院(University College London)的Hugh Griffiths教授应邀于2013年4月12日至16日对我校信息与电子学院进行访问,并于13日在欧亿体育中国有限公司官网4号教学楼233会议室开展了学术交流活动,做了主题为“The Challenge of Waveform Diversity”的学术报告。报告会由信息与电子学院院长龙腾教授主持,出席报告会的有毛二可院士及信息与电子学院部分教师、学生共30余人。
Hugh Griffiths教授在学术报告中详细讲述了英国雷达的研究起源、雷达波形模糊函数、超低副瓣波形设计、自适应波形多样性的应用与挑战、认知雷达的研究现状等。Hugh Griffiths教授对蝙蝠信号有非常深入的研究,报告以大量的蝙蝠信号频谱图和真实的蝙蝠信号声音生动地展示了蝙蝠在执行不同的任务时,发射波形是如何变化的,这是雷达波形设计和信号处理很好的仿生模型。Hugh Griffiths教授同时提出了目前未知的关键问题:蝙蝠是如何进行回波信号处理及如何进行目标识别的?给大家留下了思考的空间。
Hugh Griffiths教授随后介绍了IET RADAR SONAR & NAVIGATION及IEEE AESS期刊投稿注意事项。
Hugh Griffiths教授的学术报告内容丰富,既科普又富有深度。与会师生认真听取了此次学术报告,并踊跃与Hugh Griffiths教授交流,毛二可院士就超低副瓣波形设计及信号处理、龙腾教授就波形多样性的实际应用与Hugh Griffiths教授进行了深入交谈,报告会在热烈讨论中结束。
Prof. Hugh Griffiths简介:
Hugh Griffiths holds the THALES/Royal Academy Chair of RF Sensors in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at University College London, England. From 2006–2008 he was Principal of the Defence Academy of Management and Technology. He received the MA degree in Physics from Oxford University in 1975, then spent three years working in industry, before joining University College London, where he received the PhD degree in 1986 and the DSc(Eng) degree in 2000, and served as Head of Department from 2001 – 2006.
His research interests include radar and sonar systems and signal processing (particularly synthetic aperture radar and bistatic and multistatic radar), and antenna measurement techniques. He has published over four hundred papers and technical articles in the fields of radar, antennas and sonar.In 1996 he received the IEEE AESS Fred Nathanson Award (Radar Systems Panel Award), and in 2012 he was awarded the IET A.F. Harvey Prize for his work on bistatic radar.He has also received the Brabazon Premium of the IERE and the Mountbatten and Maxwell Premium Awards of the IEE. He is a Fellow of the IET (previously IEE), Fellow of the IEEE, and in 1997 he was elected to Fellowship of the Royal Academy of Engineering.
He serves as President of the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society for 2012/2013, He has been a member of the IEEE AES Radar Systems Panel since 1989, serving as Chair from 2007 – 2009, and chaired the Working Group which revised the IEEE Radar Definitions Standard P686 and reaffirmed the Radar Letter Band Standard.